Value of Advice

Can ongoing personalized investing advice actually cost less and potentially make you more? Thanks to technology, it now can, even if you have a small portfolio.

Most new or small investors head to their nearest brokerage firm to make their first investments. Typically, these brokers guide clients to loaded (commissioned) actively managed mutual funds.

Until recently, that was pretty much the only option unless they wanted to try investing on their own. Few if any, personal fee-only advisors have been willing to take on small accounts because it didn’t make financial sense.

Now, there are a few services like ours, VestoryOne, that have leveraged technology to give smaller investors an opportunity to get started on the right foot, with personalized advice at a lower price than most stockbrokers.

Invest $10,000 with a broker in a typical 5% load, active mutual fund at the fund average expense of 1.2% per year and after 20 years at an 8% gross annual return you would have about $37,000 after 20 years.

The same$ 10,000 invested with VestoryOne would be placed in a well diversified global portfolio based on your personal risk tolerance with no commission and total annual fees of 1.03% per year, which after 20 years at the exact same 8% annual return would grow to over $40,000 in 20 years.

And VestoryOne services include ongoing personal help and rebalancing while most stockbrokers the only make changes when it’s time for another commission. 

There are online services that cost even less than VestoryOne, but they exclude the ongoing human advice and in bad markets an ongoing, steadying hand can be the difference between investing success and failure.


Timeless Tax Tips - Part One


The Mutual Fund Landscape - Part One