Lowering Expectations

Publishing a weekly newsletter is a massive undertaking for a decent sized staff. For a single person, it is a monumental task. While Real Investing Journal is a labor of love, I can’t keep up this pace and still create all of the other educational material I have both committed to and hope to undertake in the future.

For that reason, we have made the painful decision to scale back to e-mailing RIJ less often (once or twice a month). The website may have new articles added more often, but the e-mail newsletter summary will go out a bit less for, at least, the next several months.

Please visit the site often to explore the new content. If you have story ideas, send them along and please continue to ask your Q’s (at the bottom of the home page) and I’ll keep sharing my A’s (in case you got confused: answers).

Thanks for subscribing to and reading Real Investing Journal!



Q&A: Whither Rates?


Q&A: Beyond Great Expectations