Even More Education

This has been a crazy summer with the creation of the first printed magazine in the country devoted to real investing. The first issue of real investing journal - the magazine went out in late June and the second quarterly issue just went to press.

To get this endeavor underway meant the online version of real investing journal suffered from neglect. For this, I apologize. I have struggled to determine the most equitable way to balance the needs of the paid printed magazine (that doesn’t even recover the costs of printing and mailing) with my obligation to educate everyone. I think I have finally come up with a reasonable solution.

The articles I use in the printed version will not appear on the website until a month after the printed subscribers have a chance to read them. In the intervening months – since real investing journal is printed quarterly – I will create a few exclusive shorter pieces available exclusively online.

In this way, everyone will have access to the same information – whether a paid subscriber or exclusively an online reader.

To thank you for your patience and support, I’d like to offer all of you who read RIJ online an opportunity to save a few bucks on the printed edition. Save $5 on either a charter or regular subscription through October 15, 2016, by entering the discount code FIVETHANKS on the order form.


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