Learn the investing strategy that can save your sanity in scary markets.
In this episode, we look at last week’s interesting stock market declines and what they might mean for your investments. We take a historical look back at the US market and consider the effects of different investment strategies over the last century. Don takes calls on college fund investing and portfolio withdrawals. We kick off the ten keys to real investing with the first five, and next week we’ll finish out the rest of the list.
Recent stock market performance and what you should do.
A lesson from the 90s and comparing US and international markets.
The best ways to save for college for a young child.
KissTrusts and why to not trust them.
The first five keys to real investing!
Why you should stay away from active fund managers.
Past events are not indicators of the future!
Spreading risk across a large number of stocks.
Basing your investments on science.
Withdrawal strategies across different types of portfolios.
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Real Investing Journal — https://www.realinvestingjournal.com/
Dow Jones Industrial Average — https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/djia