Where do you get your financial advice?
In today’s episode, Don and Tom focus on the question, “Where do you get your financial advice?” They call out some misleading sources, bust those so-called investment gurus, and really get down to who you should be listening to when it comes to making your investment decisions. Finally, they also highlight the schemes that you should watch out for and give us the cold hard truth about predicting the market future.
Answering the question, “Who can you turn to for your investment advice?”
Calling out the misleading “investment gurus”.
Why the experts simply can’t predict what the markets will do.
Importance of putting your ego aside when making investment decisions.
Recognizing that no AI is able to predict the future as of yet.
Covered call writing in a nutshell; options trading.
Learning to look out for the “pump and dump” schemes.
The negative impact that your emotions can have on your investment decisions.
Talking Real Money Twitter — https://twitter.com/talkrealmoney
Financial Fysics on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Fysics-Money-Investing-Really/dp/1453898557
Vestory — https://vestory.com/
Vestory’s Better Retirement Guide Book — https://www.retirebetterbook.com/
Real Investing Journal — https://www.realinvestingjournal.com/
Financial Fysics — https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/financial-fysics/id1416808165
Financial Fysics PDF — http://www.talkingrealmoney.com/freefify/
Retirement Freedom — http://www.talkingrealmoney.com/new-events/2018/12/4/retirement-freedom