What should you do after the stock market has dramatically declined?

After an apparently terrible week for stocks, how bad has it really been? Don and Tom take a few calls on IRA withdrawals, taxes and Social Security. We also tell you why you must have a 100%, fee-only fiduciary advisor!

Some good news for those worried about the struggling market.

SEP-IRA withdrawals and where to put the funds.

The largest individual stock decline this week.

Balancing stocks and IRAs for tax purposes.

The high cost of retiring early.

Don calculates his own Social Security over the years.

Differentiating advisors roles with our exclusive AdviCaps.

Talking Real Money Twitter — https://twitter.com/talkrealmoney

Financial Fysics on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Fysics-Money-Investing-Really/dp/1453898557

Vestory — https://vestory.com/

Vanguard — https://about.vanguard.com/

Financial Fysics on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Fysics-Money-Investing-Really/dp/1453898557

Real Investing Journal — https://www.realinvestingjournal.com/

Better Retirement Guidebook — https://www.retirebetterbook.com/

S&P 500 — https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/spx

Ulta — https://www.ulta.com/

Retiremeet 2019 — http://www.talkingrealmoney.com/new-events/retiremeet2018-jspm7


How do you decide when and how to take Social Security in retirement?


TIme for an emergency market perspective intervention