Engage your brain. Why smart investors avoid Crypto and other future killing non-investments.
On today’s episode, Don answers questions on how to find a reliable fiduciary in your area and the continual, healthy diversification of a portfolio. We also touch on investing intuition and why it is not to be trusted, market foresight, risk management and more!
How to go about selecting an affordable, reliable fee-only fiduciary.
Why to distrust our own investing intuition.
What is the real value of gold, bitcoin, or even cocoa?
The impossibility of accurate market foresight and fortune telling.
Best practices for managing risk in retirement investing.
Diversification and sectors within a healthy portfolio.
401411 — http://www.401411.com/
Vestory — http://vestory.com/
FinCon — https://finconexpo.com/
Edward Jones —https://www.edwardjones.com/index.html
Bloomberg — https://www.bloomberg.com
Vanguard — https://about.vanguard.com/