Engage your brain. Why smart investors avoid Crypto and other future killing non-investments.

On today’s episode, Don answers questions on how to find a reliable fiduciary in your area and the continual, healthy diversification of a portfolio. We also touch on investing intuition and why it is not to be trusted, market foresight, risk management and more! 

  • How to go about selecting an affordable, reliable fee-only fiduciary.

  • Why to distrust our own investing intuition.

  • What is the real value of gold, bitcoin, or even cocoa?

  • The impossibility of accurate market foresight and fortune telling.

  • Best practices for managing risk in retirement investing.

  • Diversification and sectors within a healthy portfolio.


What lessons can you learn from a bad financial advisor?


Learn a few simple ways to protect your wealth, your future, oh, and your pets.