When do you want to retire and what will you do?

This episode focuses on your retirement, how you can prepare for it and enjoy the best version of it when the time comes. We ask why people want to stop working at all and what they plan to do with all the free time when it is available. We also discuss the FIRE movement and take a few questions on retirement from listeners.

This week in the markets and stock movements since Christmas.

The Financial Independence Retire Early movement.

Confusing listings for top financial podcasts.

Worthwhile reasons to retire early or at all.

Building a portfolio for a comfortable retirement.

Which funds might suit your particular needs.

Working through retirement and sharing tips on strategies.

Talking Real Money Twitter — https://twitter.com/talkrealmoney

Financial Fysics on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Fysics-Money-Investing-Really/dp/1453898557

Vestory — https://vestory.com/

Vanguard — https://about.vanguard.com/

Retiremeet — http://www.talkingrealmoney.com/new-events/retiremeet2018-jspm7

New York Times — https://www.nytimes.com/

MacKenzie Bezos — https://www.wired.com/story/mackenzie-bezos-amazon-lone-genius-myth/

Oprah — http://www.oprah.com/index.html

Dave Ramsey — https://www.daveramsey.com/

Tony Robbins — https://www.tonyrobbins.com/

Chris Hogan — https://www.chrishogan360.com/

Jim Cramer — https://www.thestreet.com/jim-cramer/breaking-down-citigroup-earnings-cramers-mad-money-recap-jan-14-14833518

Phil Town — https://www.ruleoneinvesting.com/

RisQuiz — http://vestory.com/risquiz/


Even a wise old sage like Jack Bogle can get emotionally swayed


Don't use the only type of fund that made money last year.