Why are most money talk shows and podcasts giving bad advice?

In this episode we focus on getting ready for retirement and making better decisions for your money. We start by wondering why there are so few good talk shows and podcasts providing sound financial advice. We take calls on railroad worker pensions, mortgages, risk tolerance and much more!

The dearth of good financial talk shows.

Calculating a required minimum distribution at age 70.

Collecting railroad retirement in conjunction with social security.

What to do with money from your fixed annuities.

Is retirement boring? Some ideas for things to keep you busy!

Paying off a mortgage or selling a condominium.

Smartly balancing your funds with bonds according to your risk tolerance.

Some info on the upcoming Retiremeet event!

Talking Real Money Twitter — https://twitter.com/talkrealmoney

Financial Fysics on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Fysics-Money-Investing-Really/dp/1453898557

Vestory — https://vestory.com/

Vanguard — https://about.vanguard.com/

Retiremeet — http://www.talkingrealmoney.com/new-events/retiremeet2018-jspm7

Paul Merriman — https://paulmerriman.com/

Dave Ramsey — https://www.daveramsey.com/

Woodbridge — https://www.investmentnews.com/article/20171205/FREE/171209968/woodbridge-bankruptcy-burns-advisers-and-real-estate-investors

Charles Schwab — https://www.schwab.com/

Jason Zweig — http://jasonzweig.com/

RisQuiz — http://vestory.com/risquiz/

Monty Python — http://www.montypython.com/


Guessing right about the future doesn't make you smart, just lucky.


Even a wise old sage like Jack Bogle can get emotionally swayed