If they told the truth you wouldn't buy it.

As much as we all want that magic pill that makes us get rich without any risk, the truth is, that pill doesn’t exist! With sellers of products constantly baffling us with complex language and perfect sales pitches, ‘tis the season not to be manipulated! From “buffered annuities,” with their “cap rates” and “step rates” to get-rich-quick real estate courses, we take them all to task. By the end of this episode, you’ll be more informed of the tactics designed to manipulate you and gain a bunch of new tips to outsmart them. If you want to make better investment decisions to secure you in the 2020 New Year, this is the episode for you.

Learn more about buffered annuities: Are they just another pitch-perfect scam?

Why most language on financial contracts is designed to make you dizzy.

What are cap rates, step rates, and other confusing jargon.

Why two-thirds of Americans feel under pressure to spend more than they want to.

Find out why Wall Street thrives on complexity in order to get you to buy their BS.

High pressure real estate sales tactics and why real estate is a non-diverse investment.

Discover how get-rich-quick real estate courses are designed to trap you.

The longer you can live without taking out your Social Security, the better.

Financial Fysics on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Financial-Fysics-Money-Investing-Really/dp/1453898557

Vestory — https://vestory.com/

Bright House Financial — https://www.brighthousefinancial.com/

VGSIX — https://investor.vanguard.com/mutual-funds/profile/VGSIX


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