The future isn't foreseeable. Maybe foreguessable.
Once again it’s the time of year for all kinds of financial predictions, many painting a gloomy picture of the future. Tom and Don specifically discuss Neil Irwin’s latest New York Times piece and more generally why we should not believe in the predictive power of perceived “experts.” The future is NOT foreseeable, but at best ‘foreguessable,’ and taking what thought-leaders say as financial gospel can land you in hot water. From there, they pivot to a discussion on rebalancing and timing, explaining why now would be an excellent time to rebalance your portfolio. Finally, they end the show with a discussion on how to educate future generations about investing and all that would go into ensuring the youth are financially fit
Retiremeet: 2020 dates and phenomenal guest speakers!
‘Tis the season for predictions: A critique of Neil Irwin’s New York Times article.
Your guess is as good as mine: why guesses have no inherent value!
The difference between rebalancing and timing and why this year is perfect for rebalancing.
What a good financial advisor should do for you annually.
Whether it is a good idea to buy additional years of service for increased pension in cash.
Why and how to educate future generation on the value of investing.
Financial Fysics on Amazon –
Vestory —
Retiremeet —
Paul Merriman —
Apollo Lupescu on LinkedIn —
Woodbridge Group —
Robert Shapiro Woodbridge scandal —
Your Portfolio is Probably Doing Great article —
Neil Irwin —
Neil Irwin on Twitter —
Akane Otani —
Akane Otani in The Wall Street Journal —
Chuck Jaffe —