To invest right you must understand risk.

In this edition, we talk more about your risk profile! Most don’t know how much risk is in their current portfolios or how much risk they should be taking, so we give you some of the most important considerations. We also discuss why you might want to move an inherited IRA away from a sales-based company, the different considerations for investing some additional cash or putting it towards a mortgage, and we get into the performance of bond funds over the past year.

The different variables that determine what kind of risk you should take. 

Why you should not pay too much attention to what studies say. 

What to do with an inherited IRA. 

Avoiding those who claim to know what the future will bring. 

The factors to consider when paying down a mortgage or investing some extra cash. 

Comparing CDs and intermediate bond funds. 


When Interest Rates Turn Upside Down


There are NO special investments for special people like you.