Stop trying to guess what the market might do.

Stop relying on investment hunches. They tend to be wrong more than right. The future can’t be accurately and consistently predicted, ever, so stop trying. We’re also discuss the Vanguard funds now available to Canadians. Ask us your questions, we’re always here to help!

Actively managed Vanguard funds available in Canada.

Reasons why UTAH 529’s are a good choice for children.

Why you shouldn’t follow your hunches when it comes to the market.

Roth 401k - a great way to save.

What to do when the market’s at a new high.

A dollar cost averaging strategy.

Having a long-term attitude when investing.

The importance of saving and investing for retirement.

AAII - educating investors or enriching the insiders? 

Financial newsletter prices.

Vestory —


Vanguard Canada —

UTAH 529 —



Debunking popular investing myths.


Working with BIG investment firms can be VERY expensive.