Crises Come and Go, While the Economy Endures.

You cannot turn on the news or open your web browser without being inundated with stories about the coronavirus. Markets react to events such as these because of uncertainty about when they will end. However, these events eventually blow over and markets recover. Over the past 2000 years, the global economy has been steadily growing, and it has withstood crises of greater proportions than this one. Tom and Don also talk about backdoor IRAs and how Roths and regular IRAs works. They discuss estate planning too, shedding light on why a trust might work best for the caller, and caution that the probate process may be a nightmare for their heirs.

  • Why having individual stocks is not worth it and examples of ones that have fallen.

  • Learn more about backdoor Roth IRAs, how they work, and the benefits of utilizing them.

  • Find out how restaurants are coping with the coronavirus crisis: Drive-through and delivery.

  • Top tips on estate planning and getting the most money to your kids when you pass on.

  • You don’t look at the fluctuating value of your house every day, so don’t do it with stocks!

  • Today's stock investing climate means that investors expect higher returns for increased risk.

  • The global economy has withstood far worse shocks than the coronavirus.


Normalcy Will Eventually Return...


Stay Away from Single Stocks