Insurance and Investing Don't Mix

We share an insurance expert's open letter about the difference between whole life and univesal life.Plus, he takes those complex indexed life sellers to task. No matter what they say, there is no high return with no risk.

The Tom and Don tackle fun phone lines to talk about:

  • The need to add a Roth to a retirement plan.

  • The wisdom of investing in Berkshire-Hathaway.

  • A smart, successful daughter has her dad ask us how much she should save for retirement.

  • A high school daughter suddenly decided to go to college and mom wants to know how to save for it.

  • A resident alien wants to know if it makes sense to invest in his 401k.

  • A woman moving to Spain wants to know what to do with an extra $400 per month. 


Too Many Angels


Seven Investing Principles