Dangerous Dreck
Stop deluding yourself. As much as you want them, there are no higher returning, lower risk investments. Yet, far too many investors are are falling prey to impossible promises from purveyors of high-priced, illiquid investments.
Do index-style funds need a track record? Plus, a group that once called index funds "Un-American" now touts it's market beating index fund portfolio.
Is Tesla really worth the combined value of almost every other car maker combined?
We also hear from listeners:
Is it better to invest all at once or slowly average in?
How much is needed in an emergency fund and should money g o into a Roth or I-Bonds?
Where should short-term money be kept?
Is there any need to diversify among fund groups or brokerage firms?
What percentage of a total portfolio should be allocated among various asset classes?
On what fund was Tom's small-cap value return based?