Expensive Lessons

Most of us don't know what we don't know about money and investing. That lack of knowledge can be more costly that you can imagine. Getting financially educated is hard and yet essential for your future. How much do you pay for investments? Do you really know?

Listeners want to know:

  • Does an individual TIPs ladder make sense for portion of a portfolio?

  • What should a real estate investor do with new money?

  • Why her experience with Social Security benefit delays does not add up to 8% per year?

  • How do the returns of the Merriman 10 fund portfolio compare to 2 or 3 fund portfolios?

  • What do we think of a friend's advice to move from a target-date fund to a money market fund?

  • Where do we suggest a mix of investment accounts be consolidated?


Few Worthwhile Innovations


How Should You Invest in a...?