Reverse 60/40?
Is 60/40 dead again:
0:20 Vanguard's Changing Approach
0:26 Stock and Bond Ratios Explored
1:57 The Trouble with Market Timing
2:38 Vanguard's Advice: A Shift in Strategy
3:40 The 60-40 Portfolio Debate
4:34 Caller Insights: 401k Strategies
5:17 Building a Portfolio for the Future
7:27 Target Date Funds vs. Index Funds
14:13 Streaming Financial Education
14:45 Accessing Financial Conferences
15:51 The Importance of In-Person Events
18:30 Evaluating Mortgage Payoff Decisions
19:41 Navigating Social Security Benefits
32:49 Simplifying Investment Strategies for New Investors